Are Rhodesian Ridgebacks Easy to Train?

Rhodesian Ridgebacks are a tough breed of dog to train. But with that being said if done right you will end up with an excellently trained dog.

brown dog in close up shot

Understanding the Rhodesian Ridgeback

Before beginning training, it is important to understand the unique characteristics of the Rhodesian Ridgeback. These dogs were originally bred in South Africa as hunting dogs, and as such, they have a strong prey drive and a high level of energy. They are also known to be independent and stubborn, which can make training more challenging. However, with proper training and socialization, Rhodesian Ridgebacks can make great family pets.

Training Techniques:

Positive Reinforcement:

Positive reinforcement is one of the most effective training techniques for Rhodesian Ridgebacks. This method involves rewarding the dog for good behavior, such as giving them treats or praise. This helps to reinforce the desired behavior and make it more likely that the dog will repeat it in the future.


Consistency is key when training Rhodesian Ridgebacks. These dogs need clear and consistent commands in order to understand what is expected of them. It is important to use the same commands and rewards every time, so the dog knows what to expect.


Socialisation is an important part of training for Rhodesian Ridgebacks. These dogs need to be exposed to different people, animals, and environments in order to become well-adjusted and well-behaved. This can be done through taking the dog on walks, visiting dog parks, and attending obedience classes.


Rhodesian Ridgebacks can be stubborn and independent, which can make training more challenging. It is important to have patience and not to get frustrated with the dog. Training should be a positive experience for both the dog and the owner.


Rhodesian Ridgebacks have a high energy level and need plenty of exercise. This can include going for walks, running, and playing fetch. Regular exercise will help to keep the dog mentally and physically stimulated, which can make training more effective.

Specific Training:

Obedience Training:

Obedience training is an important part of training for Rhodesian Ridgebacks. This can include basic commands such as sit, stay, come, and heel. Obedience training helps to establish boundaries and to teach the dog what is expected of them.

House Training:

House training is an important part of training for Rhodesian Ridgebacks. These dogs need to be taught where it is appropriate to go to the bathroom. This can be done through using a crate, a specific area of the yard, or through the use of puppy pads.

Leash Training:

Leash training is an important part of training for Rhodesian Ridgebacks. These dogs can be strong pullers and need to be taught to walk on a leash without pulling. This can be done through the use of a front-clip harness, or through the use of a no-pull leash.

Rhodesian Ridgeback recall training

Recall training is an essential part of training any dog, and the Rhodesian Ridgeback is no exception. Recall training involves teaching your dog to come to you when called, regardless of distractions or temptations. This is important for ensuring that your dog stays safe, and that you can always get their attention when needed.

Here are some tips for training your Rhodesian Ridgeback to come when called:

Basic obedience training

Start with basic obedience training: Before you begin recall training, make sure that your dog has a solid foundation of basic obedience training.

Basic obedience dog training involves teaching your dog basic commands such as sit, stay, come, heel, and lay down. These commands are the foundation for all other training and can help establish a good relationship between you and your dog.

To begin training, it is important to use positive reinforcement techniques such as treats, praise, and play to reward your dog for following commands. Consistency is key, so be sure to use the same command words and hand signals each time you train.

It is also important to train in a quiet and distraction-free environment at first and gradually increase the level of difficulty. Training sessions should be short, around 5-10 minutes, to keep the dog focused and engaged.

Additionally, it is important to train in a consistent and positive manner. Avoid using physical punishment as a form of discipline, as it can damage your relationship with your dog and cause fear and anxiety.

It is also important to keep in mind that every dog learns at a different pace, so be patient and persistent. Basic obedience training should be a fun and enjoyable experience for both you and your rhodesian ridgeback.

Use positive reinforcement

Reward your dog with treats and praise when they come to you when called. This will help to establish a positive association with the command and make it more likely that they will come to you in the future.

Some examples of positive reinforcement include giving a dog a treat, verbal praise, or playtime as a reward for good behavior. These rewards are used to encourage the dog to continue the desired behavior, thus positively reinforcing that behavior.

Positive reinforcement can be an effective way to train a dog because it focuses on rewarding what the dog is doing right, rather than punishing what the dog is doing wrong. This can help to create a positive and trusting relationship between the dog and the trainer.

Positive reinforcement training is less likely to cause fear or aggression in your rhodesian ridgeback, as it does not involve physical punishment. It can also be more effective in shaping complex behaviors than traditional punishment-based methods.

Overall, positive reinforcement is an effective way to train a dog and can help to create a happy, well-behaved companion. It is a humane, kind and efficient way to communicate with your dog.

Keep training sessions short

Dogs have a short attention span, so it’s important to keep training sessions short and focused. Start with a few minutes of training and gradually increase the duration as your dog becomes more proficient.

Shorter training sessions can help to prevent training from becoming repetitive or boring for the dog, which can lead to a lack of motivation and progress.

It’s also important to note that training should be a fun and enjoyable activity for the dog, so breaking up training sessions throughout the day can help to prevent burnout.

It’s important to keep in mind that dogs, like humans, have different learning styles and some may have longer attention span than others. Some dogs may be able to handle longer training sessions than others, and you should adjust the length of your training sessions based on the individual dog’s needs and abilities.

Shorter training sessions can be more effective in training dogs as they are able to stay focused and motivated throughout the learning process.

Use a consistent command

Use the same command every time you want your rhodesian ridgeback to come to you. This will help to establish a clear association between the command and the desired behavior.

Consistency helps the dog learn what is expected of them, and it also helps to prevent confusion and frustration on the part of the dog. If the commands and rewards are inconsistent, the dog may become confused and less likely to respond correctly.

Additionally, consistency in training helps to establish clear rules and boundaries for the dog, which can help to build trust and respect between the dog and the trainer.

It’s also important to keep in mind that consistency should be used not only between trainers but also within the household, as all family members should use the same commands, rewards, and training methods.

Consistency also means that training should be reinforced regularly, not only when you have time or when it’s convenient. A consistent training routine will ensure that the dog can generalize the behavior and apply it in different situations.

Consistency is a key factor in effective dog training, and it helps the dog learn quickly, confidently and correctly.

Practice in different environments

Recall training should be practiced in a variety of environments, including the home, park, and other places where you and your dog might be.

Training a dog in different environments can help to ensure that the dog is able to generalize the behaviors they have learned and apply them in a variety of situations.

This can be particularly important for dogs who will be accompanying their owners in public places or in different situations.

Training in different environments can also help to prevent the pet from becoming accustomed to only one environment, and only responding well in that specific environment.

It’s important to note that when introducing a dog to a new environment, it’s best to start with a low distraction environment and gradually increase the difficulty level.

It’s important to keep in mind that dogs have different levels of comfort and adaptability to new environments, and to be patient and understanding with your dog.

Training a dog in different environments is a key aspect of generalizing their training, and can help them to be well-behaved and responsive in a variety of situations.

Practice with Distractions

As your dog masters recall in a low distraction environment, gradually increase the level of distractions. This will help your dog learn to come when called even when there are other things to distract them.

Training a dog with distractions can be effective because it helps to expose the dog to different distractions and teach them to focus and respond to commands regardless of their surroundings.

When a dog is able to respond well to commands in the presence of distractions, it indicates that they have a strong understanding of the behavior and have learned to generalize it to different situations.

To train a dog with distractions, it is important to start with low-level distractions and gradually increase the difficulty level. For example, you can start with training in a quiet room with few distractions, and then progress to training in a room with more people or other dogs present.

It’s also important to keep in mind that rewards should be given when the dog responds correctly in the presence of distractions. This helps to reinforce the desired behavior and make it more likely that the dog will repeat it in the future.

Furthermore, it’s important to remember that dogs have different comfort levels and adaptability to new situations, so it’s important to take the dog’s individual characteristics into account when training with distractions.

Training a dog with distractions can be an effective way to help them generalize their training and respond well to commands in a variety of situations.

Pet Know How

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